Choose our courier aggregator for all your shipping needs and experience the convenience, affordability, and reliability of our services.
Choose our courier aggregator for all your shipping needs and experience the convenience, affordability, and reliability of our services.
Enter the details
Enter shipping details
Take the first step towards shipping success by sharing your location and package specifics
Tell us your locations pincode and package details
Browse the menu
Compare & choose
Access a handpicked collection of services designed exclusively for you, offering competitive pricing calculated from the information you shared earlier.
Filter select your preferred delivery partners as per price range, delivery time and pickup services.
Compare & choose
Enter courier details
Refine and organize the service list to identify your optimal choice. Customize your selection based on price range, delivery time, and pickup services, aligning with your preferences.
Fill the item category and description and detailed pickup and drop addresses.
Make your payment
Make the payment
Upon selecting your courier, we guide you to the secure payments page for a smooth and secure transaction process.
Finally make the payment using convenient payment method.
Consign your package
Stick shipment label
Once your booking is confirmed, our esteemed service partners will promptly contact you. Please ensure your shipment is securely packaged with a printed address label for seamless processing.
Ensure that PRINTED ADDRESS LABEL pasted on the shipment.
Confirmation & tracking
Confirmation & tracking
Once the process is complete, anticipate a confirmation message and tracking ID for your parcel. Keep track of its seamless journey through our website’s user-friendly tracking feature.
Once the process is complete, anticipate a confirmation message and tracking ID for your parcel. Keep track of its seamless journey through our website’s user-friendly tracking feature.